kamfa ZZ

Repost: cto Pouapheng Ufa ...Here is a kamfa traits guide. They are a bit long but really read through it. This will help you identify the differences once you train yourself to see the traits.

Green arrow - this is pointing to the mouth. A closed mouth with no under bite is a kamfa trait. Some ZZ FHs may have this trait but this is a must for a kamfa. Now the new style king kamfa (kk) you will ...see a lot of kk that have an under bite and possible reasons for that is due to how they are made and possibly how they are culled. But a high quality kamfa will/should not have an under bite.
Blue circle - kamfa eyes are usually not as popped out as ZZ eyes and will be more sunken into the eye socket.
Pink outline - one of the easiest ways to tell the difference between kamfa and ZZ FHs is the body. Kamfas have the square body that does not taper as much like ZZ. With kamfas since they develop slower might not get this body shape until they are a bit older.
Yellow outlines - the most usual finnage on a kamfa curl around the tail and are a bit bigger so they touch the tail.
Red outlines - the last but not the least the tail. Kamfas have what is know as a fan tail which are much bigger and spread out to both dorsal and anal fins. Really high quality kamfas will have these big tails and fins that "wrap" around the tail giving it the phase tail wrap you may see/hear others say.

Some of these traits ate seen in ZZ nowadays and that is because most kamfa traits are more sought after so they are bred into a ZZ line. A lot of kk I see now don't have some of these traits and that is do due to the way most kk are bred nowadays. But if you get high quality or competition grade kamfas they will always have these traits. Hope this helps people and compare the ZZ outline I made. You will see the differences right away now that I have highlighted them. So start training yourself or use these as a reference. Thank you to the owner who let me use his fish as an example. Such a fine specimen.